Monday 21 June 2010

The best photograph

My embroidery is growing very quickly you can see the Geisha's face and her kimono is looking elegant. Set my self the task of finishing the background at the bottom right of the Geisha and starting the botton right pattern piece by next weekend, will be starting it tomorrow.

One of the the little Orchid is now in flower took my best ever photograph of it this morning

Thursday 17 June 2010

Been down the village

On Monday went to Burnley Hospital and had steroid injections in my big toes and nearly ran afterwards! The letter I got afterwards said I have osteoarthritis which makes me feel better at least it is not bunnion.
On Wednesday I walked as far as the hairdressers. I managed until I got back to Arabesque but managed it and felt I had made a big step forward. Still taking a few painkillers but am walking without a limp

The sewing is looking good as well

Sunday 13 June 2010

Parasole is finished

Got lots of sewing finished the parasol today and started the geisha, not that you could tell as there is only a few stitches of hair and a bit of hair ornament.

accidentally managed to wear two necklaces put on the tiger eye one without taking the oval pearl on off, no one noticed.

Mum managed a walk round Silsden her first, which is a step forward.

Came in to start a scrapbook page a few minutes before the Hairy Bikers were on that was so good and they are on tomorrow.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Yesterday was a good day

Yesterday, whilst doing the weekly shopping at Morrisons I got the telephone call I have been waiting for get the cortisone injections on Monday at noon. Am so excited hope that it works as well as I want it too. The Hairy Bikers were on The one show last night so it was a good day

Today got the letter confirming it, I have to go to the day ward at Burnley and could be there for 6 hours.

We went to the Dog and Gun and as we were finishing a loud couple came in saying they had come from Lincolnshire or Brigg to be precise which was a laugh.

Done quite a bit of sewing this afternoon and have got down nearly to the post, it is looking very good. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Want to to a digital scrapbook page now on Bonnies barking

Friday 4 June 2010


I managed to get some sewing done and think it is now right so hopefully the rest of the picture will be right. Think it is looking elegant. Will look and see how much maps cost as I want to send one to Bev for her birthday.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Thinking about each other

I managed to do a few stitches yesterday, it is so hard to stitch when you are feeling sick.

Bev and I tried Skype yesterday, and we chatted for free for an hour it was brilliant had she was online again this morning be we typed message as I did not want to disturb Mum and Dad.

Went to Boundary Mills yesterday, on the way in I wondered how Hisako is after shopping checked my e-mails she sent me on 45 min earlier, were we thinking of each other at the same time?

I got a pair of brown trousers in M&S reduced to £9.90 and an Eastex red skirt reduced from £79.99 to under £23.00 it looks so nice and fits very well.

Want to dust this morning but am feeling very sick again and need to sort out my wardrobe going to put everything I hardly wear in the shed and try and keep a capsule wardrobe.

Friday 28 May 2010

Different days

Yesterday was an awful day, was sick and kept feeling sick. Did not know what to do with myself. Think I managed to do a few stitches in my picture but everytime I moved I felt sick. That evening spoke to Cristina in Norway and Arlene in America. At one point I felt so bad I went to get some ordinary brandy. We did not have any but even though I said I wanted a sip of whisky got what seemed like half a glass. Also joined a monthly club that you pay for with scrapgirls and bought a kit.

Today have felt much better but still not done any sewing, was going to get it out, only Aunty Susan came up which was a wonderful surprise and worth not sewing. Did manage to finish a scrapbook page. Also started another one with a photograph of Katsuko, took the photograph I took of her at Holy Family School and took a photograph of that, then have started to us my fan embroidery as part of the pattern it needs some more work on.